What Does 144Hz Mean?

In the current global scenario, millions of individuals work every day to advance and enhance technology to newer heights for various applications such as security, business applications, luxury, viewing and gaming etc. One such intriguing piece of technology functions to enhance user experiences in terms of gaming, viewing, and for other applications is the 144Hz, or in simpler terms the type of refresh rate used in today’s times.

What does 144Hz depend on?


Frame per Second or FPS refers to the rate at which successive images are portrayed as frames per second. 

Refresh Rate and Gaming

Refresh rate mainly refers to the number of times an image is refreshed per second on screen, while displaying movie or video game imagery. This is measured in the unit of frequency that is Hz (hertz). Simply put, 144Hz means the display refreshes 144 times per second to show a new image.  

The world of Gaming has transitioned a lot over the last two decades. Gaming started off with Palm-Top-Gaming, then to console PlayStations. The PC Gaming era offered a better experience with better graphics. This evolution has come full circle with smartphones putting gaming back in your hands.

Smartphones offer the convenience of gaming without additional or high-end equipment, and its main advantage is that it allows realistic graphics to be displayed while playing with literally hundreds of players across the world in real-time. This has gained so much popularity, that the last couple of years have seen the introduction of world cup level competitions and tournaments for certain mobile games.

Such high-end, hyper-realistic, multi-player gameplay begs the need for compatible technology and a stable platform or interface. This is where the concept of Refresh Rate and Frames per Second comes in.

 In real-time, multi-player gameplay even half a second would matter and can aggregate to the result of the match. Therefore, coders use high Refresh Rates and FPS to offer seamless and stable game-play to users. The higher the former, the smoother the latter for a gamer or for even viewing movies and other recreational content. This means that the more images that can be shown on display in a second enhances image quality and makes game-play faster and smoother while gaming. The same concept applies to other devices as well such as PC gaming, where now 144Hz monitors are available.

When this technology was first used, the 60Hz or later 120Hz displays/platforms were used. While this was a step forward to enhance the user experience, it didn’t quite have the appeal even for the ones who are easily satisfied. 

However, 144Hz has taken gaming, and viewing experiences to another level, with lossless compression, smooth and crisp image quality, and fast interactive game-play. There is always scope to enhance experiences, especially technology-related, however, currently this rate is globally recognized as a good refresh rate to view and experience quality visual content.

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