epson duet 80 inch projection screen review

Epson Duet 80-Inch Projection Screen Review

epson duet 80 inch projection screen review
The new and portable Duet screen is a remarkable offering from Espon. The Epson Duet 80-Inch Dual Aspect Ratio Projection Screen is the first portable screen to offer both the standard (4:3) and the widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio. Whether you are looking for a business presentation solution or a home theater application: the Duet portable screen offers the best of both projection worlds.

Main Features of the Epson ES1000:

The one screen-two sizes is a feature that offers both the standard (4:3) and the widescreen (16:9) viewing format. The duet portable screen is rolled out from side to side, unlike a standard pull-down screen which operates through a top to the bottom mechanism. The pull-out screen function is managed through two clicks; a 65-inch click for standard viewing and an 80-inch click for widescreen viewing.

The innovative, patent design is a function that allows easier setup. It features a tripod stand that enables one to set up the screen in less than a minute.

The tripod stand also bears the capability of interlocking with the frame to create a single carrying unit. The carrying handle is attached to the screen’s frame. The end result is an easy-to-transport portable projection screen.

The duet portable features a white screen with low gain. High gain projection screens normally produce grainy-looking images with annoying hot spots. This is not the case with the Epson Duet projection screen. The white, low gain screen provides an excellent color and contrasts which results in clearer, brittle images. What’s more, is that the screen performs an admirable job within a well-lit setting. This is an important aspect because most business people and instructors often use projectors in rooms with a considerable amount of light either streaming from overhead lights or windows.

The images are projected on a diagonal width of 100 inches. The result: a sharp and evenly lit image that possesses no trace of a hot spot.


The Epson Duet projection screen comes with a wall bracket; perfect for home use. The wall bracket offers a semi-permanent mounting solution. The screen can still retract to its casing even when mounted on the wall. This offers a low-profile home theater solution in a room with multiple uses. It breaks the limitation of traditional theater screens that tend to dominate the room they occupy.

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The Good:

1. The Duet projection screen offers versatility. It can be used as a standard screen or as a widescreen. It can also be used for professional use or for a home theater experience.

2. One can now enjoy a fast and easy setup.

3. The screen can be stored easily and quickly.

4. It is easy to transport the screen.

5. The screen offers a generous viewing angle.

The Bad:

1. It offers no support at the top of the screen. This can result in a slight sagging at the center.

2. The Duet screen presents a slightly blue cast on the projected image as a result of the coating and material used. However, it is important to note that this can be corrected through color controls which reduce the blue down to a few notches.

Bottom line:

The bottom line is that the “Epson Duet 80-Inch Dual Aspect Ratio Projection Screen” offers a great solution for both home and professional users. Moreover, it is possible for one to tweak the aspect ratio presentation without any additional fuss. The high-performance capability of the Epson Duet is undeniable. You can check out Amazon for the latest prices and reviews.

Epson Duet 80-Inch Dual Aspect Ratio Projection Screen

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