Technology that Improves the Work from Home Experience

Technology that Improves the Work from Home Experience

Technology that Improves the Work from Home Experience

There is little doubt that the huge shift towards more remote working environments has only been possible thanks to advancements in technology that have allowed people to connect and collaborate quickly and easily regardless of their physical location. And, as remote working continues to grow in popularity, reshaping the working world as it grows, the technology that enables this kind of work will make the experience that much easier and more convenient. In this article, we will explore some of the technology that already exists that aims to make remote working more streamlined and less stressful.

Scheduling Apps


With the business world shifting primarily into the digital space, scheduling apps have become a vital tool for remote workers who now not only have to manage their own time but also try and work around other people’s work-from-home schedules when it comes to booking meetings and other events.

The best scheduling apps take the hassle out of arranging meetings around people’s busy schedules by offering users the ability to prioritize meetings, auto-schedule meetings, and even allow users to create meeting templates for frequently held meetings to take some of the admin out of booking these types of meetings.

For a look at some of the most popular apps that are currently available, be sure to browse through this list of the best apps for scheduling meetings to find one that best suits your needs.

Team Collaboration Tools


Communication is vital in the remote working world and, thanks to the global Covid-19 pandemic forcing many companies to embrace remote working environments, remote workers are truly spoilt for choice when it comes to team collaboration tools. From apps that focus purely on team communication such as Slack, to apps like Trello that focus on project management, there are applications available that can help any team achieve success.

For teams that focus on designing and creative work, one of the best ways to connect and collaborate with teams on a big project is through the use of screen-sharing apps that allow employees to all work on the same document together. This kind of tool can also prove valuable to managers who can easily drop into the meeting to see what progress is being made on the project.

Video Calling and Web Conferencing Apps


While emails and phone calls are the traditional methods of communication used by many companies, the ability to have a face-to-face meeting is still vital to the success of big remote working teams. Face-to-face meetings help promote comradery among teammates that is difficult to achieve solely with the written word, making these types of meetings vital in building connections between members of the team.

Thanks to the huge emphasis being placed on this kind of technology, there is now a huge range of web conferencing and video calling apps available to remote workers with options being available for free and as part of paid subscription services. Just like other apps on this list, no one app will suit every team’s needs, so doing some research on what is available is vital.

Cloud-Based Services


Cloud-based technology has been a key driver of the digital age, allowing people access to a range of hardware and software that was previously out of their reach due to the costs associated with owning the technology. From cloud-based server and storage solutions that allow companies to connect to a single server from any remote location, to file-sharing services that allow team members to share sensitive documents safely with other team members, as well as cybersecurity services that help protect a business’s data even when workers are accessing information from a different state, cloud-based services have proven invaluable to remote workers.

Cloud-based project management software, in particular, has proven to be an invaluable resource for companies that have been forced to adapt to a remote working environment. These solutions allow managers and teams to get work done using a network of business tools to coordinate and plan upcoming projects and monitor the progress of the project in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Thanks to technology, remote working has fast become a viable option for millions of internet-connected people around the world. As technology continues to advance, new software and hardware solutions are sure to be released that will help people adapt even faster to this new way of working.

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